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one of the performance artists that got the crowd going during the 2012 Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival. these shots were taken in the tree house inside the Mangyan Village of the venue during DJ Kentaro's set during the last night. those that were in the tree house were treated to a private performance. unreal.
Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival 2012Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival 2012Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival 2012Fede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow ArtistFede Fourcade - Flow Artist