Welcome! I'm Renato Valenzuela Jr., a rank-and-file amateur photographer that's landed a professional gig or three.  Here you'll find posts about my experiences and the gear that I have used.


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Adorama is where I shop for a lot of my gear. eBay too.

The Oculus

September 26, 2016
It's pretty crazy to consider this thought: there are teenagers alive today that have never known of the original World Trade Center, the twin towers. Was it really that...
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11 Hours in Tokyo

April 12, 2016
​Tokyo. What's there to say about Tokyo? Quite a lot. Searching for itineraries to Manila through my favorite airline, I stumbled upon an opportunity that I could not pas...
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Stop asking your photographer friends which camera you should buy.

April 09, 2016
I'm always happy to lend my expertise on something. It's both an honor and it's quite flattering, it really is. But like my peers, we always dread the thought of someone...
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DIY: Turn Any Bag Into a Camera Bag

January 22, 2016
Let's face it. Camera bags are dorky. Okay, that's a bit unfair. The majority are more about function than they are about the aesthetic. Meanwhile the aesthetically pleas...
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Field Notes: Panasonic Lumix G 25mm f/1.7

December 31, 2015
Micro Four Thirds has become my "second system" of sorts. A couple years ago I bought an Olympus Pen Lite E-PL3 to use as my travel camera. On most occasions, it'sthe cam...
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